Travel is always an amazing experience, capable of teaching us so much more than we could ever learn from the pages of a book. We can experience new cultures, learn to appreciate the lives of people in different places, meet fellow travelers with their own incredible stories to tell, and soak in new sights.

We’ve all heard amazing things about travel’s capability to broaden the mind, but it seems we all take it for granted that this happens automatically, that all we have to do is pick a destination and we’re bettering ourselves as soon as we go.

I would argue that this is not the case. In many of my travels, particularly to what westerners would consider “third world” countries, some travelers I meet have a disdain for the local people that I find shocking. I am not referring just to wealthy travelers secluded in private resorts. Even among budget travelers I meet at hostels, I am appalled at the way I’ll hear them talk about the locals, as though they think they’re better than them just because they don’t understand the culture or language.

If you only like travel to see sights, but not to experience new cultures, then you can stop reading here. But if you want to be able to broaden your mind and follow the path of a true traveler, read on for some ways to help you travel with intent.

  1. Learn Some of the Language Before You Go

Not only does it show your respect for people that you don’t expect them to speak your language, it also opens the door for a conversation. Even if you only know a few words of the language, your attempt may get them to speak some English with you and suddenly you’re having a conversation with a local that you’d have passed by if you’d not attempted the language.

  1. Be Aware of a Country’s Customs Before You Go

This plays in to the respect piece as well. For example, I’ve heard ladies complaining that they have to cover their knees and shoulders before entering a Buddhist temple, but we should understand that this is their custom, their holy place, which they are kind enough to open to us, so following their requests should be expected.

  1. Go Off the Beaten Path

If you stick to the well-worn path of tourist sights, you’ll likely never experience the true culture. Most famous sights around the world are littered with hordes of tourists, vendors, and cheap souvenirs. This is not how people live in the country. Instead, try to go to the places that tourists don’t know about. Ask a local for recommendations. Some of the best experiences come from adventures you never planned for.

  1. Put Yourself in Local’s Shoes

The most important part of travel is keeping an open mind. Try to imagine yourself in the place of a local. It’s not hard, when you’re walking through the dusty streets, buying food from a market, talking to a local about their work, to imagine yourself as a local as well. In doing so, you’ll see that humans are pretty similar the world over. You’ll learn to appreciate the unique value of culture and be able to view the world from a different lens.